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Each class, just like one cup of masala tea

Writer's picture: iMandarin愛華語iMandarin愛華語

時間過得好快。這個班很特別,有沒上過會話課的beginner,有生病請了三周假的,有寫字寫得比台灣人更漂亮的,有超有語言天份的,然後這個班竟然還完成了最快的進度! 今天是我們CNY前的最後一堂課,你們很有儀式感地煮了印度奶茶來慶祝這個時刻! 每個班,就像印度奶茶一般,每個人有自己的配方,每家的口味都不一樣,但是都各有其獨特的美味!

Time flies so fast. This class is very special. There is one beginner who have never taken conversation classes before, there is one who are sick and have taken three weeks off, there is one who can write more beautifully than Taiwanese people, there is one who are extremely talented in languages, and then this class actually completed the final Fast progress! Today is our last class before CNY, and they made masala tea in a ceremonial way to celebrate this moment!

Each class, just like one cup of masala tea, everyone has their own recipe, and each family's taste is different, but each has its own unique deliciousness!

I’m blessed to have such a tasty cup of tea☺️

This is my cup of tea!

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