what are you doing over the weekend? part2iMandarin愛華語Mar 16, 20221 min read#chineseclassnearsciencepark#beginnerclassWe are working on the chapter 週末做什麼 what are you doing over the weekend?Our students directed and acted in an interesting dialogue written by themselves I think they are really cute
#chineseclassnearsciencepark#beginnerclassWe are working on the chapter 週末做什麼 what are you doing over the weekend?Our students directed and acted in an interesting dialogue written by themselves I think they are really cute
Key vocabulary about AI (part 2)📱📱📱📱📲💻💻💻💻💻💻💻💻 #chineseclassinhsinchu #iMandarin #learnchineselanguage #artificialintelligence 🎈語音辨識 yǔ yīn biàn shí (Speech...